South Coast Fever (July 17,2009)

African Champs saw some of the top riders head to Nelspruit for this year's Championships. As usual our local top athletes took part, and man did they shine!

In their respective age groups we saw Dieter Blom 1st, Fabio Freitus 2nd, Hayely Smith 1st, Candy Neethling with an epic battle slid out in the final stretch whre she was lined up for the win and unfortunately, yet very impresively, got 2nd place. Burry took honors in the under 23 and usual got held up by Africa's elite riders who started five minutes ahead.

Gary Neethling who has really come into his own as this year's racing has gone along, crossed the line in 1st place.

This afternoon will see the usual ride from Dura Cycles at 4pm. Saturday we will be leaving Dura Cycles at 6.30am. All are welcome as there are 3 groups gong out.

Please note that the Karlkloof Super Classic scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled.

That's it for this week. Remember that if you have any results or riding infor that you would like to go in this column please contact me at

God Bless