Bundu Basher News

Bundu Bashers do it for eight hours Brandon Venter, Haley Smith, Evan Van Der Spuy and Darryn Purtell braved the 8 hour Enduro at Cascades in  Pietermaritzburg , The teams put in a great performance giving Bundu Bashers a first in the mixed and mens teams. Well done teams.

This week saw the first of the Natal Champs on the road riding scene, again Bundu Basher Cale Lindecker gave the club something to boast about by finishing 3rd in the  Time Trial event and 4th in the road race, Congrats Cale keep on going, This week had another fantastic turn out at Dura:Cycles, guys Bundu Bashers are getting seriously back into riding ,,,, I am sure that somewhere there is a champion about to happen, It is great to see the really young guns joining in the action with Mvuyiso having  his first ride our youngest rider is 7 years old and the the oldest rider 80, not too many clubs can boast that.

Just a reminder that the Bundu Bashers AGM will  be held on Friday 24th February. E-mails have been sent out or contact Heather at Dura-Cycles for more info.

The only Mountain Bike Race coming up this weekend is the Subaru Classis at Cedara.

Until next time remember to keep your chain clean, lubed and straight to avoid unnecessary wear.

If the club were to forward every email it receives it would inundate its members constantly.  The club will still send out relevant Bundu Bashers news via email.  However should you wish to keep up-to-date with all cycling news received by the club please visit the Bundu Bashers Blog Spot http://www.bundubasher.co.za/2283.html for regular updates. The Bundu Bashers Blog Spot offers a RSS Newsfeed application where you can subscribe to updates should you wish to.

Tomorrow normal club ride 6.30am four groups - all welcome.
Epic training ride leaving Tiagos Port Edward 4.45/5am with Roelof Meyer.
Argus training ride leaving 4.45am sharp from South Coast Mall 80km farm land and road through 2 gorges.

See you in the dirt smiling


Bundu Bashers Membership

Hello all our Fellow Bundu Bashers 

Just a friendly reminder and a prompt that your membership subscriptions and licensing are now due for the coming year… man does it come around quickly.
If you are an existing member, and your circumstances have not changed in any way … get this… There is NO NEED TO FILL IN A MEMBERSHIP FORM – you can pay by EFT please use your initials and surname as a reference, or pop in and see Heather at Dura-Cycles ( 0393157359)

If you are  new member you can down load membership forms from our website www.bundubasher.co.za or call in at Dura-Cycles. Membership fees are R200.00 per family membership and R100.00 for an individual membership.

It is also time for us to order shirts – If you are requiring shirts please let us know your size and if you prefer to ride sleeveless or sleeved shirts. Also quantities should you want to order more than one shirt.

Heather will be able to advise you with and assist with Licensing.
Bundu Bashers will be hosting their AGM on Friday 24th rFebruary starting 18h00 sharp, Venue Riverbend Crocodile Farm Southbroom. Come boys and Girls this is your club and it needs to be fully supported by all paid up members. There will be a Braai after the meeting so please RSVP Heather at 0393157359 or e mail info@bundubasher.co.za so that we can cater. Should you wish to invite a friend please note that a cost of R 50.00 will be required to cover the meal. Please note that all drinks will be at your own cost.

We are a busy club and would really appreciate your support in nominating members for the various positions on the Bundu Bashers committee – Please make sure that whoever you nominate is aware that they are being nominated and that they are willing to get involved in running our incredible club.

Until we meet remember to keep the wheels upright

Bundu Bashers Committee

Eish…. who caught a wakeup call this past Saturday , man did a lot of cyclist start fulfilling their new year’s resolutions. Over sixty riders turned out for the Bundu Bashers Club ride at Dura-Cycles impressive boys and girls very impressive.
There is a lot of activity happening at the moment with distance rides on offer for those doing the Cape Epic and Sani 2 C .   Morning rides almost daily from Shelly Beach ( MTB Bikes). Every Monday and Friday road rides from Shelly Beach and every second Saturday a road ride from Dura-Cycles
For more info on these rides and other happenings on the cycling scene please contact Mark, Heather or Siya on 0393157359 or e mail info@duracycles.co.za. If you would like us to e mail you the MTB and Road Cycling calendars please send us your e mail address and we will make sure that you are up to date with the races occurring throughout  KZN

On the mend wishes ( and training wheel vouchers ) are expressed to Old Dog Kurt Kuhn and Crunch Time Niels Klusener. Hope to see you upright on two wheels soon guys.

This Sunday will see the first of the MTB events. The KZNMTB 8 hour endurance relay at Cascades PMB contact KZMMTB 0828966864 or info@kznmtb.co.za
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd January will see the start of the KZN Road and Time Trial Championships Contact Michelle Matthews 084-4075566 or e mail bowmat@telkomsa.net

Keep checking out the Bundu Bashers web site www.bundubasher.co.za and Dura-Cycles web site www.duracycles.co.za to keep up to date with the cycling scene. Also please remember to send in photographs… After all laughter is the best medicine

Bundu Bashers membership forms are available at Dura-cycles – Please contact Heather for more info

Tip of the week … When riding on the road keep your distance safe from the cyclist in front of you , observe traffic signs and signals and ride single file – Remember Safety First.

Normal Dura-Cycles out ride this Saturday at 6.30 am most abilities catered for from novice to the “ Racing Snakes “ – come and join in the fun.

See you in the dirt …SMILING
