Bundu Bashers Membership

Hello all our Fellow Bundu Bashers 

Just a friendly reminder and a prompt that your membership subscriptions and licensing are now due for the coming year… man does it come around quickly.
If you are an existing member, and your circumstances have not changed in any way … get this… There is NO NEED TO FILL IN A MEMBERSHIP FORM – you can pay by EFT please use your initials and surname as a reference, or pop in and see Heather at Dura-Cycles ( 0393157359)

If you are  new member you can down load membership forms from our website www.bundubasher.co.za or call in at Dura-Cycles. Membership fees are R200.00 per family membership and R100.00 for an individual membership.

It is also time for us to order shirts – If you are requiring shirts please let us know your size and if you prefer to ride sleeveless or sleeved shirts. Also quantities should you want to order more than one shirt.

Heather will be able to advise you with and assist with Licensing.
Bundu Bashers will be hosting their AGM on Friday 24th rFebruary starting 18h00 sharp, Venue Riverbend Crocodile Farm Southbroom. Come boys and Girls this is your club and it needs to be fully supported by all paid up members. There will be a Braai after the meeting so please RSVP Heather at 0393157359 or e mail info@bundubasher.co.za so that we can cater. Should you wish to invite a friend please note that a cost of R 50.00 will be required to cover the meal. Please note that all drinks will be at your own cost.

We are a busy club and would really appreciate your support in nominating members for the various positions on the Bundu Bashers committee – Please make sure that whoever you nominate is aware that they are being nominated and that they are willing to get involved in running our incredible club.

Until we meet remember to keep the wheels upright

Bundu Bashers Committee

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