Great day out at Lake Eland

Quite a few Bundu Bashers headed out to Lake Eland last Saturday for a dummy run of the exciting new Lake Eland Super Classic course.  Everybody loved the new routes and a super meal was enjoyed afterwards.  Thanks to the Lake Eland organisers for this great day out.Remember that the Lake Eland Super Classic is next weekend, so enter as soon as possible on  Entries close on the 6th October 2010.
A group of road riders are getting ready for the Pro-Deo charity ride from Johannesburg to Margate.  They start riding on Wednesday 6th October 2010 and finish at Creston College on Sunday 10th October 2010.  Good luck to all taking part.  Anyone wanting to donate to this worthy cause click on the link and donate in a safe and secure location Doit4charity

This Thursday there will be the normal fast pace mountain bike ride leaving Dura Cycles at 4:15pm.  On Saturday there will be three moutain bike groups going out from Dura Cycles at 6:30am.  All are welcome.
Good luck to everyone taking part in the Michaelhouse Super Classic on Sunday.
Thats all for this week.  
Have a great week and God Bless.

Lake Eland Dummy Run

Well done to all those who completed the Hill2Hill this past weekend!
Don't forget this Thursdays 23 September 2010 Time Trial, meeting at the Pier in Uvongo between 4:15pm and 5pm to set a time.
There is no ride from Dura Cycles on Saturday. You are invited to do a dummy run of the exciting new Lake Eland course on Saturday the 25th September.  The 40km ride will kick off at 8:30am and the 25km at 9:00am. There will be a free meal after the ride for riders.  If you are planning on eating please RSVP to Dura Cycles on 039 315 7359 no later than Wednesday 22nd.  ONLY people who have RSVP'd on time will receive a meal. It is recommended to stay after the ride as it is a great day out for the whole family.Everyone who does the ride will receive a card allowing them free entrance to Lake Eland to ride until the Lake Eland race.
Don't forget to support those (Bennie Kruger, Mark Bolton, Fred Van Zyl, Collin McKay, Brian Lindecke, Jonathan Downham, Robbie Cummings, Grant Richardson) who will ride to complete the 860 km trip from Johannesburg to Margate in KZN to raise money for the Pro Deo Care Group. The guys are riding for a great cause and any donation great or small would be appreciated.  We have made donating user friendly in a safe and secure manor just click on the link and donate


Last Sunday was the Lynford Clover Classic race at Ixopo. Congratulations to Evan Van Der Spuy, Nicola Freitas and Zinnia Freitas who all got 1st place in there respective age categories in the 40km race. Justin Porteous came in 3rd in his age group and 6th overall.  Well done Justin. In the 20km race Shannon Adie came 1st and her Dad Stephen came 2nd in there age categories with Robyn Keudel-Schaffer finishing in 3rd place in her age group. The 20km sub-junior race saw Brandon Venter coming home 2nd in his age group and 2nd overall.  Well done to everyone who did the race.

This Thursday there will be the normal fast ride from Dura Cycles at 4:15pm.

Saturdays ride will be from the Croc Farm at 6:30am with three MTB Groups going out.  Good luck to everyone doing the Hill2Hill this weekend.  Hope you all have a great ride.

Don't forget to support those complete the 860 km trip from Johannesburg to Margate in KZN to raise money for the Pro Deo Care Group.

Thats all for now.
God Bless


Lynford Clover Super Classic

This weekend we all heading up to Ixopo for the 2010 Lynford Clover Super Classic. This weekend festival has always been a huge hit, with trail running on the Saturday followed by a night race that night and the main MTB race kicking off sunday morning. The 45km is a new route designed by Nick Floro's. With tons of awesome singletrack and some killer climbs this course is going to be one to not miss.They also offer a 25km and a 5km run/walk/ride. Entries are on

This Thursday is time trial time. Meeting at the Pier in Uvongo between 4:15pm and 5pm to set a time.

Saturday morning ride leaves Dura Cycles 6:30am. There are going to be 4 MTB groups heading out.Summer is starting to show its face so there are no excuses not to be there.

Well done to Candice Neethling, James Ried and Our very own Burry Stander on there great results in Canada at the World Champs. You guys have done us proud.

God Bless
Jon Downham