Inter-Schools MTB Challenge

Inter-School Mountain Bike Challenge. The details are as follows:
Date: 20 May 2011
Time: Registration starts at 14h00
Venue: Douglas Mitchell MTB track

The challenge will take the form of a lap race on a 3.5 km course. The children will race in their respective age groups as follows: Sub Nipper (6–7), Nipper (8–10), Sprog (11-12),Sub Junior (13-14), Youth (15-16)and Junior(17-18). Registration on the day will start at 14h00, however, we do need the pupils names by Wednesday 18rd May so they can be allocated a race number, which they will be given at Registration. We do realize that not all schools have a mountain bike club but we do know that all schools have riders in their school. We would really appreciate it for you could encourage these children to come along and compete. Below is the starting times and the number of laps each age group will complete.

Starting times and Number of laps:
As per schedule

Kindly fill in the reply slip and fax it or e mail it back to by Wednesday 18th May 2011

Attached please find an entry form via the web sites or

Please feel free to contact us
Bjorn 072 2102322
Heather 039 3157359

Late entries will be taken on the day, but if we can encourage pre entry so that the start will not be delayed it would be much appreciated

Kind Regards,
Bjorn Wikstrom
Dura-Ventures International c.c

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