5 Days to go...

Don't forget to support (Bennie Kruger, Mark Bolton, Fred Van Zyl, Collin McKay, Brian Lindecke, Jonathan Downham, Robbie Cummings, Grant Richardson) who will ride to complete the 860 km trip from Johannesburg to Margate in KZN to raise money for the Pro Deo Care Group.
To survive the Pro Deo Care Group derives its funds from projects like the Cycling Tour and donations made by people attending the clinics, but the cost of goods and apparatus required is escalating yearly.  Monney raised has to be well managed and purchasing of wheelchairs, pulpit walkers, commodes, bath chairs, foot spa's, hearing aids, oxygen cylinder, special toilet seats, special mattresses and blood pressure apparatus is done with care so that funds are not used unnecessarily.
Being elderly can be lonely and these people can feel they have been forgotten.

The guys are riding for a great cause and any donation great or small would be appreciated. (Put that R50 you'de be spending on a coffee and cake to wards a great cause). We have made donating user friendly in a safe and secure manor just click on the link and donate http://www.doit4charity.org.za/fundraising/Mark.Bolton
Make a direct deposit to:
Bank code:    528628
Account No:  9142642583

Follow the guys updates on Twitter and Face Book as they complete the cycle! Sure they would enjoy some words of encouragement along the way https://twitter.com/duraventures

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