Pro Deo Stage 1 Update

Last night Tuesday 5th October saw us all at Kevin Peyper's house AKA "The Big Show" and he lives up to his name, he is a man mountain and I thank the Lord that at least he was on our side - 6 foot 9 inches tall, 135 kg's, a booming jovial voice with a sense of humour and a heart to match. 

Day 1 every one was up early but not necessarily bright, breakfast, a 45 min drive to Vereeninging and the day begun.  We paired off with riding partners on our trip to Reitz, I have never ridden a more straight road nor seen more dry grass or sand in my life...EVER... We cracked along at a pace of 30 km average a bit quicker than our normal 28 km an hour but everyone felt good, we had a tail wind behind us.  "Fast Freddy Van Zyl" had a number of tyre mishaps but we are all pretty gratefully for the rest we had each time he had a problem, infact it was almost as if the "Big Show" had organised the problems so that he could cool down in the 35 degree temperature.

The road was fairly undulating with a few climbs towards the end of the ride which sorted the men from the boys and the mountain bikers from the roadies.  Two mountain bikers and 1 roadie in the top 3 finishes...only joking we all finished together. Quite a few stories to tell about which blade of grass was greener than the next, ever the less we manage to create war stories where there are none to create.

Thanks to all those who continue to sponsor us as we ride.  Keep the donations coming, it does encourage us especially when receive your sms's and emails

Till tomorrow, see you in the dirt or tar smiling.

Mark and the Pro Deo Team.

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